serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // One Hundred Fifty-Five

Black Lab And Toddler are Best Friends in Irwin, PA

Highlight of the Week

We are home this weekend! It’s so weird – we travel so much in the summer, that it totally felt like we should have been packing up last night instead of relaxing & making dinner at home? So strange! It’s our first weekend home and without any traveling since March 25th – that’s 14 weeks in a row of packing up & going somewhere! That’s kind of insane.

Anyways, we are home this weekend for Emilie’s bridal shower! I cannot believe it’s already here! I’m so excited to go this afternoon, play some games, laugh, eat, and celebrate with my soon-to-be cousin! It’s going to be so much fun!

Yes, This Happened

  • Braelynn used to have these 3 little duckies that she’d play with in the bathtub, but then they got kinda yucky so they “disappeared” (aka we tossed them). Ever since their disappearance, she’s been asking where they went. This week, we found a whole big bag of little duckies for sale at our local Salvation Army & we couldn’t pass them up. She’s been playing with them non-stop. They hop around and talk to each other – it’s so cute! Wednesday night, Derrick was working on his newest coaster creation, I was laying on the bed in his office chatting with him, and Braelynn was playing with her duckies on the floor. We were literally dying just listening to the little conversations they were having! Then, we heard her say: “Help Mommy” – but in her “duck voice” – totally chill & no alarm. We simply assumed she was still playing. Then we heard, “I’m suck, help me mommy” (still totally chill). I looked up, and there Braelynn had actually gotten her head stuck under the rocking chair & couldn’t get out! She was actually asking for help! We were laughing so hard.
  • Braelynn calls toilet paper: “pape towel”
  • This week, my Great Aunt & some of my cousins from Florida were passing through for a quick visit, so as many of us that could met them for lunch. Ruby was not feeling well, so she didn’t make it. When Braelynn heard that Ruby was feeling sick, she simply stated: “I’ll snuggle her & she’ll feel better”.
  • It hit me this week, that if I had been in a public school high school, we’d be having our 10 year reunion this year (I was homeschooled, so we don’t have cool things like reunions for my class of 1). I’m officially old.
  • On Thursday, Ruby, Braelynn, & I went and had a picnic at White Oak Park. We’ve been trying out all of the playgrounds nearby & so far, White Oak’s play around around their “Cedar Grove” has been the best! It’s totally toddler friendly (very safe) and very large! Braelynn could climb/run/slide to her hearts content & Mama didn’t have to constantly be on edge that she was so high/going to fall! They also had the nicest bathrooms I’ve been in (so major plus with a potty-training toddler)!! Braelynn loves to swing, so we were swinging and Ruby tried to sit down in one of the baby swings. Braelynn instantly corrected her: “Ruby! Get down! Your butt is too big!”
  • We also went to Mammoth Park this week (whew, we had a busy week!). We introduced Braelynn to the “big slide” – she wasn’t too thrilled with it. But in her defense, when we first got there, we did watch a too-small little boy come down the slide a little too fast & get turned around/stuck half-way down and his Dad had to come rescue him. It was a bit traumatic. She much preferred the tiny little slide on the playground up the hill from the big slide & kept stating that it was “Her slide” and “Just right for little girls”.
  • One last thing: technically the 4th of July was this week (although it felt like it was over the weekend). We saw fireworks on Friday night, but couldn’t go to bed on Tuesday without some sort of fireworks! So, when Amy texted & said that Zeb & Emilie had come over & they had fireworks at my parent’s house, we had to go over. Braelynn was already in bed & I woke her up to take her. It was the 4th of July! You can’t see fireworks any other time of the year! We had a lot of fun!
  • OH! Braelynn also went to see her first movie in a movie theater this week! Our theater re-shows old movies in the summer mornings for free – so we went to see Trolls! In a theater packed out primarily with 2-6 year olds, we really couldn’t go wrong. It was a lot of fun (and officially checks #15 off our summer bucket list)!

Feeling Blessed

This morning, I’m simply thankful for my nose. Does that sound weird? Let me clarify: I’m simply thankful for a whole & non-broken nose.

Yesterday, Braelynn & I were playing in her bedroom. I was sitting on her bed & she was standing next to it. She had one of her little duckies & an Easter Egg and we were trying to fit the duck in the egg. Then she dropped the egg on the floor. So, she bent down to pick it up, and I leaned to reach over her to grab another little toy. Well, instead of her standing up normally, she bounced back up like a jack-in-a-box and smashed straight into my nose. We’ve collided with each other before, but this was easily twice as much force as she’s hit me before with.

When she smashed into me, I literally heard a snap and my first words were: “I think you just broke my nose!” My hand instantly went to my face because I assumed my nose would be gushing blood & I didn’t want to freak Braelynn out. I couldn’t believe how hard she hit me.

Somehow, my nose did not break. It was just sore for the rest of the day. It never even bled, which I can’t quite figure out either (but am super thankful for). So, this morning, I’m thankful for my nose.

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•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

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